
Information Overload

Since so much has happened since my last post this will include some random information as well as random pictures

We enjoyed 3 different family meals for Thanksgiving; one in Delta, one in Grantsville and  one at Noah's in Lindon. We had so much fun visiting with family, eating awesome food and relaxing. That is one reason I love the holidays so much. The next few weeks will be crazy busy with more family and friend get-togethers but I can't wait. 
Twin terrors at our Delta Thanksgiving

Jack and all of his Hughes cousins (minus Asher) in Grantsville

Some of the Matheson clan at Noah's

The week of Thanksgiving we had an awesome family photo shoot with my friend Tami and the pictures turned out really great. She is literally a miracle worker. I can't believe how many great smiles she got out of Jack. He was not in any kind of mood to pose for pictures but somehow we ended up with some really cute smiles from him. (See my Facebook page for the album and www.capturedmemoriesbytami.blogspot.com for more pictures by Tami. Loooove that girl!!!)

Jack is finally sleeping through the night again. In fact, this week he has been sleeping until seven a.m. most mornings meaning he's getting anywhere from 10 to 12 hours of sleep again. HALLELUJAH!!! His naps have gotten considerably better as well. Having a full night of sleep has really made a difference in both of us. We've also worked out bedtime and naptime routines that keep Jack in bed before he falls asleep so I don't have to read to him for an hour and a half before I tiptoe out of the room. I'm one happy momma.

These were taken before Jack had adjusted to his big boy bed.
He kept falling asleep at random times in totally random places.
Much to my dismay my belly button is starting to poke out. BOO! When I was pregnant with Jack I was so proud of the fact that my belly button didn't change at all! It didn't poke out or disappear or even stretch. It pretty much looked the same before, during and after pregnancy. No such luck this go around. But on the plus side Baby Olive is healthy and growing well. And I really can't ask for more.

A couple of weeks ago we added a new member to our family. She's gray and fluffy and her name is Stella. Jack loves her to death. Literally. I worry he's going to strangle her one of these days. I wish I could say the feeling was mutual but oddly enough she does not really enjoy being mauled by an extremely overzealous two-year-old. Go figure. But she is really patient with him overall. And I have to say that I prefer perfecting Jack's "soft" touch on a cat prior to bringing home a newborn for him to love on.

Obviously he's crazy about her.
 Jared had been practicing kicking because he tried out for the Blaze (Utah's indoor football team). And Jack watched him enough to know the basics of kicking. He uses his orange cup (it has to be the orange one which is the color of the tee Jared uses), sets his ball up and goes for it. It's hilarious.

Pretty good form for a two-year-old

The second weekend in December is always the "Fun, Old-Fashioned Walters Family Christmas Party" at my Grandma's house in Richfield. Things usually get loud, rowdy and crazy. And this year did not disappoint. Jared and I had a blast dressing up for the ugly sweater portion of the evening, which many did not get the memo for apparently. Come on people! I hope to see more ugly sweaters next year! It's tough to tell in the pictures but Jared was wearing a black dicky under a white sweater. (If you don't know the movie reference for this you should be slapped. I'll give you a hint: it's on Christmas Vacation.) We got some ugly hats as a prize. And to top it off Jared's white elephant gift was a Christmas tie that plays music. Talk about classy!

I think Jack was embarrassed to claim us.
For the second year in a row Jack sat on Santa's lap with absolutely no hesitation. In fact he was thrilled to sit and have a little chat with the big man. ADORABLE!

We are almost done with our Christmas shopping thanks to Jared and Amazon.com and we are really looking forward to another fun day of unwrapping presents with our little man. In spite of the tantrums, picky-eating and stubbornness that comes with Toddler-hood we sure do love Jack. He never fails to entertain and amaze us.

Love this little guy!!!!

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