
Long time no post....

Hello Blogland. I finally decided that I would take a few minutes to post on this horribly neglected blog. And once again, since my posts have been few and far between, I am putting up a random smattering of pictures chronicling the last few months of my virtual absence. I don't really have any excuses for my lack of motivation when it comes to my blog except that I've been spending time with my amazing husband and raising our adorable son. So judge me if you will but I refuse to feel guilty for my ridiculous lack of posts. And I make no promises about the frequency of future posts. Mmmkay? So enjoy the following because who knows when I'll get around to updating this again.

He always sleeps with "George" the giraffe. Awww.

He's learning how to use a spoon.

But he thinks it's hilarious to use it backwards. What a goofball.

This kid LOVES books. I guess he's learned at least one thing from me.

At our mommy n' me swimming class.

He loves to sit in his toy box.

I think these pictures make it apparent that he is a daddy's boy through and through.

Girls weekend (aka Apronfest 2011)

St. Patty's Day dinner

Jack's lingering rug burn after falling down an entire flight of stairs. Not good.

Jack and his awesome basketball Easter basket

In his new Easter outfit

Mother's Day

Visiting Grandpa's grave for Memorial Day

Jack loves to kiss with his tongue. This was Jared thwarting the attempted licking.

Little sister Shayla graduated from high school.

He's learning how to fold his arms when we pray.  

Life is great. We are so blessed!!


Casie said...

Wow. I like how sassy you are about not posting on your blog. Hahaha. Loved all the pictures, especially your Mother's Day picture. So cute of you both. :) Till we meet again....

Danny said...

Your family is so darn cute. I am so in love with Jack's Easter outfit.

Unknown said...

What a cute family you have! Looks like life is treating you well. The pictures.