
9 months old and counting...

1 Day
1 Week 
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months

4 Months
5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months
9 Months

Jack is 9 months old today. We had his check-up yesterday and here are his current stats:

weight: 20 pounds 15 ounces – 65th%
length: 30 inches – 97th %

  •   Likes: eating things off the floor (lint, string, gum wrappers, etc.), playing with daddy, reading with mommy, splashing in the bathtub, playing with his friends Dani and Mason, chasing his ball around the house, exercising with mommy, pulling on mommy's hair, getting into EVERYTHING! especially things he shouldn’t be in (i.e. the dishwasher)
  •   Dislikes: having his face and/or nose wiped, getting teeth (he has one on top and two on bottom and boy were they a lot of work), holding still for more than two seconds, being told NO, having things taken away from him
  •   Eating habits: eats 8-9 bottles of baby food a day + a bowl of oatmeal w/fruit in the morning + at least two highchair trays full of snacks + bites of anything mommy and daddy are eating. Obviously he’s a fan of the food. But he didn’t get to the afore-mentioned length and weight without some effort.
  • Sleeping habits: 10-12 hours every night and at least two 1½ hour naps during the day
  •   Favorite sayings: “Dada”, “Mama”, “Baba”, “Oooo” and “Uh-oh”. His most used word is probably "Whoa". Whenever he picks up a toy he looks at it and says, "Whoa". He loves to make lots of noise and sometimes he sounds exactly like the little aliens from Toy Story. (He has a really deep voice.) He also loves to "sing-along" and I'm pretty sure when I hum he tries to hum with me.
  •  Accomplishments: crawls like a little speed demon, pulls himself up on things and walks along them, pulls himself up and lets go (he immediately face plants it but he gets points for the effort)
    I can't believe you're only 3 months away from being a one-year-old!
    We love you Jack Attack!



andrew and brittani said...

and he is so darn cute. he just keeps getting more and more hair each month too.

Danny said...

What a cutie.It's fun to see pictures of him from each month. He is almost the same size as Maylie! That is so funny.We need to see you guys soon!

Monica Smead said...

He is SO cute Dani! I can't believe he is 20 pounds and 30 inch tall! Kyson is 34 inchs! Miss you guys, hope we can get together soon!

grburbank said...

So cute! and so big! He's going to be tall and skinny like his mother.

Tami said...

What a cutie! I love his spiked hair in the 9 month pictures. Can't believe he is getting so big! We need to get together soon. Love ya : )